Command List

Looking for a specific command, or the description of one? This is where you find it.


  • /claim - Gives you the claim kit
  • /buyclaimblocks <amount> - Allows you to buy claimblocks (0.5 in game per block)
  • /sellclaimblocks <amount> - Allows you to sell claimblocks (0.5 in game per block)
  • /abandonallclaims - Deletes all your claims
  • /abandonclaim - Deletes the claim/subdivision you're currently in
  • /delclaim - Deletes the claim/subdivision you're currently in
  • /unclaim - Deletes the claim/subdivision you're currently in
  • /claimlist - Shows you all your claims and claimblocks
  • /accesstrust <username/public> - Gives accesstrust to a user/everyone
  • /containertrust <username/public> - Gives containertrust to a user/everyone
  • /expandclaim <amount> - Expands claim by the specified amount in the direction you're facing
  • /restrictsubclaim - Seperates permissions for the subclaim you are standing in from the main claim
  • /subdivide - Turns on subdivide mode (hold golden shovel) to allow you to create subdivisions
  • /trustlist - Shows users trusted in the claim/subclaim you're standing it
  • /claimnearbytrust - Allows other players to claim within 100 blocks to your claim


  • /plot help - Display all creative commands
  • /plot info - Display plot info
  • /plot confirm - Confirm an action
  • /plot claim - Claim the current plot you're standing on
  • /plot auto - Claim a random available plot nearby
  • /plot delete - Delete your plot
  • /plot trust - Allow a player to build in your plot
  • /plot add - Allow a user to build while you are online
  • /plot setowner - Set the plot owner
  • /plot setbiome - Set the plot biome
  • /plot visit - Visit someone (or your own) plot
  • /plot kick - Kick a player from your plot
  • /plot middle - Teleports you to the center of the current plot
  • /plot untrust - Remove a player from your plot
  • /plot merge [auto] - Merge a plot (or multiple)
  • /plot unmerge - Unmerge plots
  • /plot sethome - Set the plot home
  • /plot clear - Clear a plot
  • /nightvision - Enables nightvision

Dynamic Map

  • /dynmap - Sends you a link to the Altitude map page
  • /dynmap hide - Hides you on the map
  • /dynmap show - Shows you on the map


  • /mctop <ability> - Shows the top 10 players for Power Level or the specified ability
  • /mcrank - Shows where you are on the mctop per skill
  • /mcstats - Shows your mcmmo levels in a scoreboard
  • /mcability - Toggles ability use on or off
  • /acrobatics [?] [page] - Shows your stats for Acrobatics. If you add ? it will show the guide for Acrobatics
  • /archery [?] [page] - Shows your stats for Archery. If you add ? it will show the guide for Archery
  • /axes [?] [page] - Shows your stats for Axes. If you add ? it will show the guide for Axes
  • /excavation [?] [page] - Shows your stats for Excavation. If you add ? it will show the guide for Excavation
  • /fishing [?] [page] - Shows your stats for Fishing. If you add ? it will show the guide for Fishing
  • /herbalism [?] [page] - Shows your stats for Herbalism. If you add ? it will show the guide for Herbalism
  • /mining [?] [page] - Shows your stats for Mining. If you add ? it will show the guide for Mining
  • /repair [?] [page] - Shows your stats for Repair. If you add ? it will show the guide for Repair
  • /swords [?] [page] - Shows your stats for Swords. If you add ? it will show the guide for Swords
  • /taming [?] [page] - Shows your stats for Taming. If you add ? it will show the guide for Taming
  • /unarmed [?] [page] - Shows your stats for Unarmed. If you add ? it will show the guide for Unarmed
  • /woodcutting [?] [page] - Shows your stats for Woodcutting. If you add ? it will show the guide for Woodcutting
  • /inspect <username> - Shows mcmmo levels for specified user in a scoreboard if they are near you


  • /petinfo - Shows information about your MyPet
  • /petname <name> - Gives your current MyPet the specified name
  • /petrelease <name> - Release the specified MyPet (this will despawn it)
  • /petcall (/petc) - Teleports your current MyPet to you
  • /psa - Sends your MyPet away, it can still be called using /petc (does not store your pet)
  • /petswitch (/psw) - Switches between current and stored MyPet
  • /petstore (/pst) - Stores your MyPet
  • /pettrade <username> [price] - Trades current MyPet with a player
  • /petshop - Opens the MyPet shop
  • /petskill - Shows information about the skills of your MyPet
  • /petstop - Stops your MyPet from attacking a target if it's not in farm or aggressive behavior modes
  • /petchooseskilltree (/pcst) - Allows you to select a skilltree for your MyPet
  • /petcapturehelper (/pch) - Enables/disables the CaptureHelper for MyPet
  • /petoptions healthbar - Toggles actionbar healthbar on/off
  • /petoptions idle-volume <%> - Sets volume percentage for the MyPet
  • /petinventory (/peti) - Opens the inventory for your current MyPet if it has one
  • /petpickup (/pp) - Toggles pet pickup on/off if your pet has an inventory
  • /petbehavior [mode] (/pb) - Switches between pet behaviors or to the specified one
  • /petbeacon - Opens the beacon editor for your MyPet if it has one


  • /bal - Shows you your balance
  • /cheque <amount> - Creates a cheque with the specified amount of money if you're holding a piece of paper
  • /pay <username> <amount> [-confirmed] - Pays the specified amount to the specified user
  • /shop - Opens the shop GUI
  • /points - Displays your current amount of sell/buy points
  • /sell <item> - Tells you if the entered item is sellable at spawn, and at what price
  • /buy <item> - Tells you if the entered item is buyable at spawn, and at what price
  • /playershop checkstock <radius> [max. stock] - highlights all of your shops which do not meet the minimum amount specified

Party Chat

  • /party help - Display the help menu
  • /party create <partyname> <password> - Creates a party
  • /party info - Displays information about your current party
  • /party invite <username> - Invite a user to your party
  • /party join <partyname> [password] - Join a users party (password is required only if the party has one)
  • /p <message> - Changes chat to party chat. If a message is specified it is sent to party chat
  • /party leave - Leave a party
  • /party name <newname> - Leave a party
  • /party owner <username> - Makes the specified user owner of the party
  • /party password <password> - Sets or changes a password for the party
  • /party remove (/party kick) <username> - Kicks the specified user from the party
  • /party disband - Disband your party


  • /vote - Sends a link to our vote page
  • /votebest - Shows highest total votes you reached per day/week/month
  • /votelast - Shows when you last voted on each of the websites
  • /votenext - Shows when you can vote again per website
  • /votestreak - Shows your current and best vote streak
  • /votetop [page] - Shows the vote top page
  • /votetotal - Shows you your total votes


  • /warps [warp] - Opens the warp GUI or teleports you to the specified warp
  • /warp apply - Starts application process for a new warp (costs 25k)


  • /queue - Shows what server you are queued for
  • /find <username> - Shows if and where this user is online
  • /back - Teleports you back to where you last teleported from
  • /dback - Brings you back to the last location you died at
  • /colors - Shows all color and format codes
  • /home [name] - Shows your homes (click to teleport), if a home is specified it will teleport you there
  • /list - Lists all online players on the server
  • /stafflist - Lists all online staff
  • /seen <username> - Shows when a player is/was online
  • /playtime - Shows your playtime
  • /sit - Allows you to sit down
  • /cooldown - Shows the cooldown for the rtp portal
  • /hat - Puts the current item on your head
  • /discord - Sends you a link to the Altitude Discord server
  • /ranks - Shows the ranks on the Altitude server
  • /contact - Sends a link to our Contact page
  • /report - Sends a link to the report form
  • /rules - Sends a link to the rules page
  • /store - Sends a link to the Altitude store
  • /guide - Sends a link to the guide page for getting started
  • /info - Sends some links to our website and Discord
  • /se <signline> <text> - While looking at a sign changes text on specified line to specified text.
  • /editsign - Toggles shift click sign editing
  • /kickfromclaim - Kicks specified user from claim
  • /kickpet - Toggles kickpet mode, kicks vanilla pets from claims after right clicking it
  • /warnings - Shows all active warnings for yourself
  • /realname <username/nickname> - Shows the specified users username and nickname
  • /mapart remove - Deletes map from the database if you own it and are holding it
  • /mapart save - Saves map on the database if you're holding it
  • /sneakclickmending - Allows you to mend your items by right clicking while sneaking
  • /pu rotateblock - Rotate already placed, direction-specific, blocks
  • /pu xpcalc <current xp> <goal xp> - Calculates the amount of XP needed to get from level X to level Y
  • /pu xpcheque <xp> - Creates a 'cheque' in the form of an XP bottle with the specified amount of XP
  • /pt top [daily/weekly/monthly/total]- Displays the players with the highest amount of playtime for the specified time
  • /finditem <item> - Enables you to search your chest monster for a specific item
  • /local - Toggles local chat, where messages will only be sent to players within a 200 block distance
  • /blockitempickup - Prevents picking up items


  • /apart - Opens particles GUI
  • /cmi armorstand [last/near] - Opens Armorstand editor
  • /ping - Shows your ping
  • /time - Shows in-game time
  • /mail send <username> <message> - Sends a mail to the specified user
  • /ignore <username> - Ignores a users messages to you and hides their public chat messages from you
  • /r <message> - Replies to the last user to send you a message
  • /c <message> - Replies to the last user you sent a message to
  • /msg <username> <message> - Sends a message to the specified user
  • /pvp [on/off] - Toggles your pvp on/off
  • /sethome <homename> - Sets a home with the specified name
  • /delhome <homename> - Shows your homes (click to remove), or removes the specified home
  • /spawn - Teleports you to spawn
  • /tpa <username> - Sends a teleport request to the specified user
  • /tpaaccept [username] - Accepts last teleport request, or the teleport request of the specified user
  • /tpahere <username> - Sends a teleport here request to the specified user
  • /tpbypass - Used to teleport to a location the plugin marks as unsafe (such as void or lava)
  • /tpdeny [username] - Denies last teleport request, or the teleport request of the specified user
  • /givepet <username> - Gives vanilla pet to specified user after you right click it
  • /trapped - Teleports you out of the claim you are in if you do not have build permission there
  • /colorsextra - Displays useable RGB colors (shift+lmb to paste in chat)
  • /dispose (/trash) - Opens a GUI where you can dispose of items