Notice: Submitting an appeal is not an instant process. We will investigate your appeal and respond within 48 hours.
Appeals that seem to have been made with little to no effort will be automatically denied.

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Greetings. What is your Minecraft username?

Use the username you had when you last tried to join the server.

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Greetings. What is your Discord User ID?

To obtain your User ID enable developer mode (user settings > advanced > developer mode). Right click your username and click 'Copy User ID'.

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Please enter your email.

It does not have to be your minecraft email.

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What punishment would you like to appeal?

Please select it below.

What punishment would you like to appeal?

Please enter a short description of the punishment, you can write the appeal later in this form.

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Why should your punishment be reduced or removed?

Please take your time writing this, we're more likely to accept an appeal if effort was put into it.

Thanks for submitting your appeal!

You can now safely close this page.