The fighter has 15 health and does 5 damage per snowball. There is a 3 tick delay between snowballs. It has two splash potions of healing. They can only heal your teammates.
The tank has 30 health and does 4 damage per snowball. It has a slower throw speed with a 7 tick delay between snowballs. It has a shield that blocks all damage from the front while blocking. Damage will go through if the tank gets hit by 3 snowballs within 0.3 seconds.
The trapper has 20 health and does 4 damage per snowball. It has an average throw speed with a 5 tick delay between snowballs. It gets buckets of powdered snow to place around, but be careful these can negatively affect your teammates as well!
The engineer has 15 health and does 3 damage per snowball. It has an average throw speed with a 5 tick delay between snowballs. It gets a better shovel than all the other classes so engineers can support their teammates by mining snow for them. They get two speed potions to escape danger, or attempt to run away with the flag!
The mage has 20 health and does 1 damage per snowball. It has a super slow throw speed with a 100 tick delay between snowballs. The mage can throw up to 16 snowballs as one doing massive damage with a good hit. This allows them to partially bypass the tanks protection by hitting multiple snowballs in a short period.
How to win
The winning team will be the one with the most points at the end of the round. Your team can get points by capturing the flag. To capture the flag you must go to the center of the map and have the most players in the area around the flag for 60 seconds. Your progress will be visible in game with a bar at the top of your screen. Once this bar has filled up any team member can take the flag by right clicking it. The person with the flag must climb the tower with their team color (this is not your spawn). Once at the top the flag will automatically be captured earning your team one point. It will then respawn in the center where you can attempt to claim it again.
– When the flag is claimed in the center of the map it will apply a knockback to all enemy players, make sure you leave the area so you’re not knocked away and can chase the enemy down.
– Set up traps or blockades on the way to the enemy tower so you can slow them down.
– You can change your class during the game in your spawn or while you’re dead by using /ctf selectclass
- Do not ally with members of opposing teams!
- Do not “camp” or wait around in the spawn room.
- If you suspect someone is cheating or hacking please message an event team member in game; we will handle it.
- Teams will be randomized each round. Please do not intentionally play badly to cause your team to lose!
- Please be respectful! This is just a game, please be kind!
- All normal Altitude rules continue to apply
If you have linked your Discord and Minecraft accounts there will be a team channel available. This team channel will become visible when the round starts. Please leave the channel in between rounds, if we find you intentionally stay behind in the channel of the opposing team to relay information to your team you might get disqualified from the event or even temporarily banned.